Community Grants

Beyond drug development, Harmony Biosciences supports a diverse group of organizations developing new and innovative patient-centric initiatives addressing the unique needs of people living with rare neurological diseases through funding opportunities.

External Funding Opportunities

Harmony Biosciences is committed to providing external funding support for the following requests:


Charitable Contributions

We provide charitable contributions to non-profit organizations when the request for support relates to: our corporate social responsibility strategy; supporting community activities/programs; or improving patient care in one of Harmony’s therapeutic areas of interest. Support is provided in response to an unsolicited written request made by a non-profit organization where Harmony does not receive a tangible benefit in return from the requesting organization.

Corporate Memberships

We provide corporate membership support to for-profit or non-profit healthcare/patient organizations for the purpose of furthering the mission of the organization and not for the purpose of promoting Harmony products. Personal services may include Harmony employees attending organizational meetings/events or participation on organizational committees, boards, or other formal meetings for the purpose of assisting the organization in achieving its mission and goals.

Corporate Sponsorships

We provide corporate sponsorships to support business, healthcare, and patient organizations’ events/activities/programs for which Harmony may be offered a tangible benefit from the organization receiving the funding.

The funding requests above are reviewed by the Harmony External Funding Review Committee. Applicants will be notified of funding decisions within 45 days. Harmony Biosciences receives many worthwhile requests. Unfortunately, we are unable to fund them all. It is important to note that past support does not guarantee future approval. In addition, submissions can be approved at any amount or quantity that is less than the requested amount.

All funds are paid directly to the requesting organization, and never to an individual.

Should you have any questions about portal navigation or specific questions about support applications, please refer to the following email addresses:

Charitable contributions –

Corporate memberships or sponsorships –

Progress at the Heart

Individuals affected by rare neurological diseases deserve equal access to treatment and care. This requires coming together as one community to address the root causes of health disparities, including race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, education, income, and geographic location, to ensure that all patients with rare neurological diseases receive appropriate care.

Harmony Biosciences’ Progress at the Heart program supports novel initiatives addressing disparities and inequities in access to treatment and care in the rare neurological disease community.


Applications for this year’s Progress at the Heart program are closed. Notification was sent to awardees by July 2024. Stay tuned for our next Progress at the Heart program announcement in 2025!

For questions or more information, feel free to contact:

View More Program Details

During the open application period, Harmony Biosciences will accept applications that focus on one or more of the following categories:

  • Community Programs: People-centered, community-led programs to improve awareness and treatment in the rare neurological disease communities and help achieve greater equality for rare neurological disease patients experiencing disparities when it comes to receiving appropriate treatment and care
  • Education: General public and healthcare provider education and programs that increase awareness and decrease time to diagnosis of rare neurological diseases with an emphasis on addressing health disparities such as race or ethnicity, gender, education, income, or geographic location
  • Public Health: Creation of or modifications to public policies that address health disparities
  • Other proposals that help achieve greater equality within rare neurological disease communities

Funding Application Information

Application submission should include detailed information on:

  • Description and type of organization
  • Program title and summary
  • Key deliverables and program milestones
  • Evaluation plan
  • Communication and results plan
  • Financial information/detailed budget for project

Harmony Biosciences will request a program update one year after award.

Additional details:

  • Applicants must be a 501(c)(3) or similarly credentialed nonprofit organization
  • No minimum funding amount; maximum funding request per application: $50,000

Incomplete proposals will not be considered for review.

Harmony Biosciences cannot fund projects that will provide a benefit to Harmony Biosciences other than the “incidental and tenuous” benefit that Harmony Biosciences receives in the form of goodwill, name recognition, and publicity.

We will not consider proposals that include any of the following:

  • Programs that reference Harmony Biosciences products or product candidates, or seek to measure the impacts of Harmony Biosciences products
  • Organizations that discriminate on the basis of age, race, sex, religion, sexual orientation, or disability
  • Funding for events or programs that have aIready occurred
  • Political organizations, campaigns, or direct lobbying activities
  • Religious organizations or groups whose activities are primarily sectarian in purpose
  • Programs or proposals that supplement an organization’s income or offset its expense in a manner that benefits, directly or indirectly, a healthcare provider’s compensation

Harmony reserves the right to withdraw this program prior to selecting and making award decisions.
Harmony reserves the right to use awardee organizations and winning programs in media materials.
Harmony reserves the right to partially fund program requests.
Applications and support materials must be submitted in English.

Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I submit for more than one application?

Yes. Each program application must be submitted separately.

Can my organization apply for funding in collaboration with another organization?

Yes. Collaborative proposals between individuals and/or advocacy/community groups and/or academic institutions and/or medical societies are allowed.

Are local and regional programs being considered?

Yes. Local, regional, and national programs will be considered. At this time, the Progress at the Heart funding will be awarded to programs in the U.S. only.

Is there any guarantee of continuation of funding after awarded?

No. There is no guarantee an awarded program will receive funding in the future, even upon the continuation of a proposed program and beyond the proposal description.

May I submit a request for an activity that has already occurred?

No, Progress at the Heart does not fund activities that have already occurred but will consider support for ongoing and existing programs.

What is the maximum budget that can be allocated for incidental costs?

Administrative or Indirect Costs must be limited to 20% of Harmony Funding Request.

Can budget provided by Harmony be used for travel costs?

Funding support cannot be used for costs of travel, lodging, or personal expenses.

2024 Program Awards

American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Health Equity Program

The Health Equity Program continues to enhance neurologists’ awareness of healthcare inequalities to improve health systems and policies in neurological practice and care. Key components include participant meetings to interact with cohort members, program alumni, and AAN leaders, as well as activities like curriculum development, mentorship, educational sessions, workgroup meetings, and projects that promote health equity.

Geisinger Health Foundation

Wake Up and Learn

The Wake Up and Learn initiative continues to provide screening and educational resources to detect and address sleep disorders in students. By expediting the process of recognizing, diagnosing, and treating these issues, the program supports student athletes and their networks in enhancing athletic performance and effectively improving sleep health.

National Fragile X Foundation

Belonging Project

The Belonging Project strives to cultivate a sense of “belonging” within the Fragile X syndrome community. Using a survey tool to collect data on equity, community involvement, and demographic details, the initiative guides future research and bolsters grant applications, conference presentations, and academic publications.

Project Sleep

Narrative Change for Sleep Disorders

In collaboration with USC’s Norman Lear Center’s Hollywood, Health & Society program, this program seeks to raise awareness of sleep disorders by collaborating with television writers, networks, and streaming platforms to portray narcolepsy and sleep disorders accurately, reduce stigma, and shape public perceptions. The initiative also focuses on creating authentic character representations that truly reflect the diversity of individuals with sleep disorders

The University of Arizona

Collaboration with Native Nations in Arizona to Improve Awareness of Fragile X Syndrome

In partnership with the Wassaja Center at the University of Arizona, this program equips Native Nations with educational materials on Fragile X syndrome. Collaborating with four tribes will lead to focus groups that address disparities, barriers to care, and develop culturally sensitive educational initiatives respectful of indigenous traditions.

The University of Arizona

Teacher Education Awareness Curriculum for Hypersomnia and Narcolepsy (TEACH)

This psychoeducational program is designed to assist adolescents with narcolepsy and other sleep disorders academically and socially through early detection and symptom comprehension. It emphasizes destigmatization, provision of educational accommodations, and advocacy primarily within the Mexican American community, with the goal of future nationwide outreach.

Learn more about what programs Progress at the Heart supported in 2021, 2022, and 2023.

“Racial disparities in healthcare are a medical emergency. To ensure equitable care, at Duke Neurology, we are building a system to identify and eliminate any variations in treatments provided to patients of different races and ethnicities.

With funding through the Progress at the Heart program, we will be able to build the Duke Health Disparities in Neurology Scorecard that will provide easy-to-understand scoring to indicate where we are achieving our mission and where we can improve. Ultimately, the scorecard template will be broadly available with the goal of reducing health disparities nationwide.”

Andrew Spector, MD, Neurologist, Sleep Medicine Specialist

Medical Education Grants

Harmony may support certain third-party independent, scientific, and educational conferences or professional meetings provided that the conference or meeting content:

  • Contributes to the improvement of patient care or to the enhanced delivery of healthcare; and/or
  • Promotes or advances scientific and medical knowledge

Medical education grants can be in the form of:

  • CME-accredited programs
  • Non-CME-accredited programs
  • Support of independent initiatives (e.g., treatment guidelines, expert opinion papers, research-based career development grants)

Educational grants cannot be used to support:

  • Requests outside Harmony’s therapeutic areas of interest
  • Promotional/sponsorship activities or exhibits
  • Payment for travel, lodging, or other personal expenses, including time for HCPs attending a medical education conference or professional meeting
  • Programs that have already occurred or for which content development has been completed


Read Frequently Asked Questions regarding Medical Education Grants.

No grants, sponsorships, or charitable contributions are offered or provided in exchange for endorsing or prescribing Harmony products or for a commitment to continue prescribing Harmony products. In other words, any quid pro quo is strictly prohibited.

Any funding provided by Harmony will be in compliance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations.

Submit Requests:

Submit requests for medical education grants to with the following information:

  • Objective
  • Educational needs assessment
  • Budget
  • Venue(s)/delivery mechanism (e.g., webinar)
  • Accreditation(s) status
  • Target audience
  • Date and timeline for execution
  • Additional sources of funding, if any

No grants, sponsorships, or charitable contributions are offered or provided in exchange for endorsing or prescribing Harmony products or for a commitment to continue prescribing Harmony products. In other words, any quid pro quo is strictly prohibited.

Any funding provided by Harmony will be in compliance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations.

Investigator Sponsored Studies


Harmony Biosciences supports Investigator Sponsored Studies (ISS) aimed at furthering the understanding of our products and that align with our areas of scientific interest. Such studies may advance disease-related knowledge, improve patient care, or explore unmet clinical needs.

These research studies are initiated and conducted by external investigators with the appropriate (or relevant) scientific background and experience to conduct an independent scientific investigation. Investigator Sponsored Studies may be, but are not limited to, interventional (clinical and non-clinical), observational (epidemiological or outcomes) or survey studies.

The external sponsor-investigator assumes responsibility for the legal and regulatory requirements of the trial and the conduct and management of the study as defined by applicable laws, regulations, and guidance documents (e.g. 21 CFR Part 312, Good Clinical Practice (GCP), International Conference on Harmonization (ICH), and Good Pharmacovigilance Practices (GVP)).

The study proposal, outline, and protocol must be designed and written by the investigator, independent of Harmony Biosciences’ influence.

The Harmony Investigator Sponsored Study submission process includes two phases:

  1. Phase one requires a requestor to create an account and submit their research concept through the Harmony ISS Portal. ISS concepts are then reviewed by the Harmony research grants committee. After a review has been completed, the investigator will be notified of the decision.
  2. If the concept demonstrates scientific rigor and aligns with Harmony’s areas of scientific interest, the requestor will be required to initiate phase two by submitting a full protocol and detailed budget. The full protocol should include a rationale, comprehensive study design, defined plan for data capture and analysis, adverse event reporting, and a plan for public dissemination of data. After committee review, the requestor will be notified of a final decision.

Areas of Scientific Interest:

  • The impact of pitolisant on functional outcomes and/or quality of life in patients with narcolepsy
  • The effectiveness of pitolisant in diseases which excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) and/or fatigue are common and debilitating symptoms
  • The role of histamine, the H3 receptor, and the impact of pitolisant on histaminergic neurotransmission, including the effect on other neurotransmitter systems
  • Exploratory research regarding the effect of pitolisant in other central disorders of hypersomnolence
  • The effectiveness of pitolisant on impairments of attention, vigilance, and/or cognition
  • Improvements in recognition of EDS, the diagnosis of narcolepsy, or evaluation of sleepiness as a comorbid symptom in other disease states

Submit Requests:

For any questions, please email

Harmony does not provide grants to individuals unless an individual is acting as a sponsor investigator of an Investigator Sponsored Study.

Any funding provided by Harmony will be in compliance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations.